2020年春节即将来到,我们西南佛州华人协会正在筹备春节联欢晚会事宜。为了给身在佛州地区的家人们带来新一年的喜庆气氛 ,呈现给家人们更丰富多彩的好节目、美食大餐和各种民族特色的艺术享受,董事会全体人员与华人社团的各位兄弟姐妹们正在努力中!
在这里我们华人协会为方便大家获得各方信息,特开辟华人协会网站信息推广服务、春节晚会票加印推广服务、商业名片通讯录收集印刷成彩册服务 ,我们华人协会新年春节联欢晚会宣传单正在制作中。
此项活动特别感谢每一位热心参与公益事业的华人华侨 ,也是双赢的好事。您的每一份爱心就是对我们华人协会最大的支持。众人拾柴火焰高,华人协会在马先生和其他几位爱心人士的创立和坚持下,已经坚持了27年,也都凝聚着每一位华人华侨的心血!华人协会是我们每一位华人的家,家的温暖需要我们共同营造,再次感谢大家!!!
具体参与如下 :
网站名片业务推广: 会员$60 / 年
非会员 $100/年
$500 晚会票共计400张(已满)
$500 一页 .
$200半页 .
征集活动从2019年11月25号开始—12月10号结束 。然后我们进行排版和印刷,机会难得,宣传推广我们共同努力。希望大家身体健康,阖家欢乐,生意兴隆,财运亨通。
西南佛州华人联谊会 12/5/2019
Southwest Florida Chinese Association Update
The Spring Festival of 2020 is coming soon, and the Southwestern Florida Chinese Association is preparing for the Spring Festival Gala.
In order to bring the festival atmosphere of the New Year for the family members in Florida, to present the family with more colorful programs, gourmet meals and various ethnic arts enjoyment, the board of directors and the the people of the Chinese community are working hard on it. The board meeting collected a lot of good suggestions and ideas from various parties, and also received a lot of calls & information consultations which give a lot of good opinions.
We would also like to thank all Chinese and overseas Chinese for participating in our various traditional ethnic activities.
Here for our Chinese Association, in order to facilitate everyone to obtain information from all parties, we have specially opened the Chinese Association Website for the promotion information services. Spring Festival Gala tickets printing promotion service, business card address book collection and printing into color booklet service, our Chinese Association New Year Spring Festival Gala promotion leaflet in the process of making.
This event is especially grateful to every Chinese and overseas Chinese who are enthusiastic about participating in public welfare. It is also a win-win situation.
All your support which you have is the greatest support for our Chinese Association.
Everyone picked up firewood, and the flames were high. The Chinese Association has been persisting for 27 years under the establishment and persistence of Mr. Ma and several other caring people, and it has united the efforts of every Chinese and overseas Chinese!
The Chinese Association is the home of every Chinese, and the warmth of our home needs us to build together. Thank you again!
The specific participation is as follows:
Website Business Card Promotion: Membership $ 60 / year
Non-member $ 100 / year
Ticket printing service for Chinese New Year Gala:
$ 500 party tickets for a total of 400 (full)
Communication booklet production of Florida Chinese Friendship Association:
$ 500 per page.
$ 200 for half a page.
The solicitation starts from November 25, 2019 to December 10, 2019.
Then we carried out typesetting and printing. A rare opportunity is in front of you. We really hope we can promote and work together.
We hope everyone is in good health, happy family, prosperous business and wealth.
Southwest Florida Chinese Association
2020年春节即将来到,我们西南佛州华人协会正在筹备春节联欢晚会事宜。为了给身在佛州地区的家人们带来新一年的喜庆气氛 ,呈现给家人们更丰富多彩的好节目、美食大餐和各种民族特色的艺术享受,董事会全体人员与华人社团的各位兄弟姐妹们正在努力中!
在这里我们华人协会为方便大家获得各方信息,特开辟华人协会网站信息推广服务、春节晚会票加印推广服务、商业名片通讯录收集印刷成彩册服务 ,我们华人协会新年春节联欢晚会宣传单正在制作中。
此项活动特别感谢每一位热心参与公益事业的华人华侨 ,也是双赢的好事。您的每一份爱心就是对我们华人协会最大的支持。众人拾柴火焰高,华人协会在马先生和其他几位爱心人士的创立和坚持下,已经坚持了27年,也都凝聚着每一位华人华侨的心血!华人协会是我们每一位华人的家,家的温暖需要我们共同营造,再次感谢大家!!!
具体参与如下 :
网站名片业务推广: 会员$60 / 年
非会员 $100/年
$500 晚会票共计400张(已满)
$500 一页 .
$200半页 .
征集活动从2019年11月25号开始—12月10号结束 。然后我们进行排版和印刷,机会难得,宣传推广我们共同努力。希望大家身体健康,阖家欢乐,生意兴隆,财运亨通。
西南佛州华人联谊会 12/5/2019
Southwest Florida Chinese Association Update
The Spring Festival of 2020 is coming soon, and the Southwestern Florida Chinese Association is preparing for the Spring Festival Gala.
In order to bring the festival atmosphere of the New Year for the family members in Florida, to present the family with more colorful programs, gourmet meals and various ethnic arts enjoyment, the board of directors and the the people of the Chinese community are working hard on it. The board meeting collected a lot of good suggestions and ideas from various parties, and also received a lot of calls & information consultations which give a lot of good opinions.
We would also like to thank all Chinese and overseas Chinese for participating in our various traditional ethnic activities.
Here for our Chinese Association, in order to facilitate everyone to obtain information from all parties, we have specially opened the Chinese Association Website for the promotion information services. Spring Festival Gala tickets printing promotion service, business card address book collection and printing into color booklet service, our Chinese Association New Year Spring Festival Gala promotion leaflet in the process of making.
This event is especially grateful to every Chinese and overseas Chinese who are enthusiastic about participating in public welfare. It is also a win-win situation.
All your support which you have is the greatest support for our Chinese Association.
Everyone picked up firewood, and the flames were high. The Chinese Association has been persisting for 27 years under the establishment and persistence of Mr. Ma and several other caring people, and it has united the efforts of every Chinese and overseas Chinese!
The Chinese Association is the home of every Chinese, and the warmth of our home needs us to build together. Thank you again!
The specific participation is as follows:
Website Business Card Promotion: Membership $ 60 / year
Non-member $ 100 / year
Ticket printing service for Chinese New Year Gala:
$ 500 party tickets for a total of 400 (full)
Communication booklet production of Florida Chinese Friendship Association:
$ 500 per page.
$ 200 for half a page.
The solicitation starts from November 25, 2019 to December 10, 2019.
Then we carried out typesetting and printing. A rare opportunity is in front of you. We really hope we can promote and work together.
We hope everyone is in good health, happy family, prosperous business and wealth.
Southwest Florida Chinese Association