今年春天,我们杰出的 2023-2024 董事会成员的任期结束,新的董事会成员和未来的领导者加入了我们的董事会。我很荣幸能担任会长,我想感谢 Judy Wright 和去年董事会提供的杰出领导。我很高兴欢迎新一届董事加入董事会,新成员和返回的成员。请和我一起欢迎副会长:王秀娟 (Anne Meyer)、财务主管:Wendy Kuo、秘书:Lily Tang 和我们的董事会:Jimmy Wolff、Apple King、Yi Liu (Luo-chen)、John Yee、Very Yee 和 Matthew Williams。我期待着以会长的身份为西南佛州华人协会 (SWFCA) 服务。我不禁想到过去三十一年来,所有杰出和不知疲倦的领导者和董事让这个组织日复一日地运转。我要特别感谢我的前任 Judy Wright 的领导和指导。我还要感谢我们的赞助商,因为如果没有他们的持续支持,我们的成就就不可能实现。我也要感谢 UCA(美国华人联盟)的支持,并感谢让我们成为他们的分会之一。 我通过 SWFCA 认识许多人,并与他们建立了友谊,但对于那些我们彼此还不相识的人,让我与你们分享我参与这个伟大组织的道路。2002 年,我作为交换学生来到美国一年,幸运的是,我获得了另一项奖学金,完成了第二年的学习,并以优异的成绩获得了匹兹堡州立大学的大眾传媒硕士学位。2009 年,我和丈夫迈修搬到了佛罗里达州那不勒斯。我们有两个孩子,一个儿子和一个女儿。我们是创业家,也是身心健康的倡导者。 自 2020 年底以来,我很荣幸成为西南佛州华人协会董事会的一员。我发现它不仅提供了很好的社交和领导机会,而且还结识了很好的新朋友。我真心鼓励更多本地华人,甚至是热爱中国文化的不同族裔的人,参与不同的领域,成为活跃成员、志工、赞助商或董事会成员,甚至与 UCA 一起参与全国性的活动。我知道你们每个人都在不同领域拥有出色的才能和经验,当我们团结起来成为一个社区时,这些才能和经验会是非常强大。记住,团结则存,分裂则亡。现在是时候团结起来了! 如果您有想法、提供协会改进的意见与建议,请联系我或我们的任何领导团队的成员并传达您的想法。如果您想对社区有所作为,请联系上述任何一位董事会成员,并让他们知道您想更多地参与其中。 我期待着美好的 2024 年,我感谢有机会和我们优秀的团队一起合作将这一切变为可能! Liwen Williams (石力文) 敬上 SWFCA 会长 2024-2025 |
The Southwest Florida Chinese Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to celebrating and promoting Chinese culture. All are welcome. More about SWFCA. Membership is free! Join and become a member 加入会员. Visit our photo gallery of our 2024 Chinese New Year event at AsiaFest. A MESSAGE FROM SWFCA PRESIDENT: Dear Southwest Florida Chinese Association Members & Friends, This spring marked the end of the term for our distinguished 2023-2024 Board members, and we are excited to welcome a new Board of Directors and future leaders. I am honored to serve as President and would like to extend my gratitude to Judy Wright and last year’s board for their outstanding leadership. Please join me in welcoming our new and returning Board members: VP Xiujuan Wang (Anne Meyer), Treasurer Wendy Kuo, Secretary Lily Tang, and Board members Jimmy Wolff, Apple King, Yi Liu (Luo-chen), John Yee, Very Yee, and Matthew Williams. I look forward to serving the Southwest Florida Chinese Association (SWFCA) as President and am thankful for the dedicated leaders who have sustained this organization for the past thirty-one years. A special THANK YOU to my predecessor, Judy Wright, for her leadership and mentorship. I also want to thank our sponsors for their ongoing support and UCA (United Chinese Americans) for including us as one of their chapters. While many of you know me through SWFCA, for those I haven't met, I'd like to share my journey with this wonderful organization. I came to the United States as an exchange student in 2002 and, with another scholarship, completed my second year and earned a Master’s Degree in Communication with honors from Pittsburg State University. In 2009, I moved to Naples, FL, with my husband, Matthew. We have two young children, a son and a daughter, and we are entrepreneurs and advocates for mental and physical health. I have been honored to serve on the SWFCA Board of Directors since the end of 2020. This role has provided excellent networking and leadership opportunities and has fostered lasting friendships. I encourage more local Chinese people and those from other ethnic groups who appreciate Chinese culture to get involved as active members, volunteers, sponsors, board members, or even at the national level with UCA. Each of you bring unique talents and experiences that can greatly benefit our community. Remember, united we stand, divided we fall. It's time to come together! If you have any ideas, suggestions, comments, or criticisms, please feel free to contact me or any member of our leadership team. If you want to make a difference, reach out to any of the board members mentioned above and let them know you want to get more involved. I look forward to a fantastic 2024 and am grateful for the opportunity to work with our amazing team to make it all possible! Sincerely, Liwen Williams President, SWFCA 2024-2025 |